London Marathon Application Form

Form type
Charity Place Application Form

Charity Place Application Form

Register your interest in running the 2025 London Marathon for Starlight.

Please tick as appropriate
Have you taken part in an event for Starlight before?
Have you run a marathon before?
Did you raise money for a charity?
Does your company run a Match Giving Scheme?

Ask your community relations, PR or marketing department.

Own Place Agreement

Own Place Agreement Form

We would love you to run in a Starlight top! Please chose either a free running top or vest:
Top Size

I agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:

  • I am under no obligation to raise funds for Starlight but have chosen to raise as much as I can.
  • Any funds I do raise, I will pay to Starlight within 3 months of the TCS London Marathon 2025.
  • If I am unable to take part in the TCS London Marathon 2025, I will let Starlight know.
We'd love to keep you informed about how you're helping seriously ill children across the UK and the different ways you can get involved with Starlight.
We'll also keep in touch by post, unless you let us know otherwise:

We respect your right of privacy - we will never sell your data, and we promise to keep your details safe and secure. We may use your data for profiling, to help us provide an improved experience to our supporters, and ensure we are using our funds in the best possible way. For further details on our Privacy Policy and how your data is used and stored, please visit