Put supporting children and families on your Christmas list

It’s only just December, but in case you haven’t received the memo from decked out shops, lit up town squares and 'Muppet Christmas Carol' memes, we’re here to tell you: IT'S CHRISTMAS!

For many, it’s a magical time of year. Time spent with family, friends and in the community brings much-needed cheer to winter’s dark, damp days. Exchanging cards and gifts is a heart-warming way of showing you care about those close to you.

Why not make your gift-giving even more special by helping children and their families at the same time? For the families Starlight supports, the festive season is often far from jolly. Stressful hospital stays or even just the possibility of urgent medical treatment can prevent making plans for the magic and fun so many associate with this time of year.

There is, as always, Starlight’s Playstore, where you can donate toys and activities to children in hospital. But if you’re also on the lookout for something special for those at home, you can still help: our partnership with the brilliant (geddit?) Lights4Fun means that all profits from every Blue Osby Star & Planet Fairy Lights strand sold will go to Starlight. Who doesn’t love an educational nightlight? (We had a 5-year-old check, and she confirmed the planets are strung in the correct order of distance from the sun, at least according to a song she learned at school.)

For a stocking-stuffer any teen or adult would love, head over to our partners at Ryman, where you can buy a special Starlight edition 5-in-1 charging cable – £1 from each sale going to Starlight. This is also a top buy for anyone hosting houseguests this season – did Auntie forget her charger again? No need to dive into that mysterious box of old cables (don’t deny it, we know you have one), or – heaven forbid – sacrifice your own tech. This 5-in-1 jobbie does the, er, job, in extra fun Starlight branded colours! What more could you want?

Well, maybe I spoke too soon. Something that we want for Christmas is to be Slater + Gordon's Charity of the Year. Sadly, we can't rely on Father Christmas alone to bring us the funding boost this would represent - we need your help! Please vote for Starlight to be the law firm's Charity of the Year by clicking here. It takes a matter of seconds and could mean so much to so many children. Thank you!