Hannah Conquers her Challenge for Starlight

While playing netball at fourteen years old, Hannah suffered an injury that led to substantial nerve damage and eventually a diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Fourteen months after the injury and diagnosis, Hannah was bed-bound.

Fortunately, through complex surgeries and hours of painful physiotherapy, Hannah was able to take her first steps in thirteen and half years.

Hannah was granted a Starlight wish in 2013 that brought her family on a family holiday to London. Since then, Hannah has been a steadfast Starlight supporter, raising money for Starlight through different fundraising endeavours every year.

Earlier this year, Hannah started her challenge #BenHannah3530 to celebrate her late brother, Ben’s, 35th birthday and her own 30th birthday. This challenge was split in two with the spring focused on completing thirty laps in her garden by her 30th birthday and the autumn focused on completing thirty-five laps in time for her brother’s 35th birthday. With the support of her four wheeled walker, specialist splints and her lovely parents, Hannah persisted and successfully completed thirty laps around her garden.

After a break over the summer to recover and relax, Hannah was back at the end of August to complete the second part of her challenge in time for Ben’s 35th birthday on 25 November 2021.

Hannah completed her first lap whilst on a well-deserved holiday, thirty-three laps in her back garden, and her final lap towards Ben’s tree in their back garden. Hannah has a hard time walking directly to Ben’s tree as the path up to Ben’s tree is at a slope, but once she was parallel with the tree she was able to drive her powerchair up to the tree.

Sitting in front of her older brother’s tree on his 35th birthday, Hannah was able to soak in her latest achievement and celebrate the completion of her impressive challenge.

Walking the final length up to Ben's tree felt like a fitting finale to my #BenHannah3530 challenge. The perfect way to round off my fundraising challenge and tribute to Ben.


Hannah not only completed this mammoth of a challenge in time for her big brother’s 35th birthday, but she also raised an impressive £6,550 for three charities, including Starlight. Hannah views this number as the perfect number to cap off her #BenHannah3530 challenge as it’s like she raised £3000 for her 30th birthday and the remainder £3500 for Ben’s 35th birthday. The absolute perfect way to celebrate these big birthdays and honour her brother’s memory.

All of Starlight is so proud of Hannah for pushing through the pain and completing her impressive challenge. Congratulations, Hannah, on your impressive accomplishment!

You can contribute to Hannah’s ongoing fundraising by using the link below.

We love sharing the journeys and challenges our creative and dedicated supporters find themselves on as they fundraise for Starlight. Every little bit helps us continue providing and protecting play for seriously ill children across the UK.

If you have a fundraising challenge you’d like to share with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out!