While playing netball at fourteen years old, Hannah suffered an injury that led to substantial nerve damage and eventually a diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Fourteen months after the injury and diagnosis, Hannah was bed-bound.
Fortunately, through complex surgeries and hours of painful physiotherapy, Hannah was able to take her first steps in thirteen and half years.
Hannah was granted a Starlight wish in 2013 that brought her family on a family holiday to London. Since then, Hannah has been a steadfast Starlight supporter, raising money for Starlight through different fundraising endeavours every year.
Earlier this year, Hannah started her challenge #BenHannah3530 to celebrate her late brother, Ben’s, 35th birthday and her own 30th birthday. This challenge was split in two with the spring focused on completing thirty laps in her garden by her 30th birthday and the autumn focused on completing thirty-five laps in time for her brother’s 35th birthday. With the support of her four wheeled walker, specialist splints and her lovely parents, Hannah persisted and successfully completed thirty laps around her garden.