Applications are now open!

The application form is made up of four stages:

  1. Main applicant information 
  2. Innovation information 
  3. Submission of evidence 
  4. Further details

Please read through all guidance before applying. 

We have provided a frequently asked questions page and a completed example application for you to refer to.

In section three, you will be asked to submit evidence to show how this innovation had a positive impact on children and young people’s healthcare experiences. You may also demonstrate how this innovation had a wider impact in your setting (for example, influencing or changing practice).

You can submit any of the following as evidence:

  • Testimonials or quotes from children, young people or families who benefitted from the innovation
  • Testimonials or quotes from other healthcare professionals who recognised the impact of the innovation on children and young people and/or the wider setting
  • Qualitative research data such as observation data, interview data or any other qualitative data
  • Quantitative research data such as feedback/survey data, outcomes data or any other quantitative data
  • Reports/articles/outputs you may have published or presented

Please add your data and evidence below. Please make sure to:

  • Anonymise any names
  • Add the size of the sample (i.e., the number) of children and young people, or families, or healthcare professionals that are involved in this data
  • If you would like to use any reports/articles/outputs you have published or presented, you may either add links (please make sure they are accessible to an external party) or you can upload files below.

Fill in our application form

Step 1 of 4
Main applicant information
Are you applying for this award as an individual or team?

If you are applying as a team, please nominate a main applicant who will complete their details below.

Please specify the actual organisation and place of work (e.g. Hospital, Hospice, Healthcare Centre, etc)

Innovation information

Please include both health play and other healthcare professionals who were involved.

(e.g., which setting, which ward/department etc)

Please provide a time period (and if it is still continuing, please indicate this).

Please include details about the environment/context you were working in and any challenges you/your team faced.

For example, what is the innovation? How did you come up with this solution? Which children and young people were involved? What activities took place? What resources were needed?

Please provide details of how much funding you had to deliver this innovation.

Please anonymise any names.

For example, less time spent undertaking a procedure, or fewer staff involved, or less need for medications such as sedation.

Submission of evidence

Submission of evidence (please see note above)

Maximum allowed upload size is 512MB.

Maximum allowed upload size is 512MB.

Maximum allowed upload size is 512MB.

Maximum allowed upload size is 512MB.

Maximum allowed upload size is 512MB.

Further details
I can confirm that I give consent for Starlight to contact me regarding this application using the details I have provided 

If you win or come runner-up, we’d love to engage with you and your setting to celebrate your innovation and communicate about it more widely. Please provide details of the best person to contact in order to facilitate these comms opportunities.

We’d love to keep you informed about how you’re helping seriously ill children across the UK and the different ways you can get involved with Starlight.