We fund Ellie’s role as a Senior Playworker at the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice. Here’s what she has to say about her work and how it’s impacting her patients…
“I started my career working with nurseries and the early years, but I had a real passion for working with the whole family, so I moved to working in health visiting and social services. I was living in Sussex on the south coast where I grew up, and one day a family told me about a playworker they’d met at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). The parents said they could really see me doing that. So I went away, looked into it and applied for a job. That’s it! I then moved to London to work as a playworker at GOSH.
“I now work at Noah’s Ark Hospice in North London, funded by Starlight, as a senior playworker. When this job came up, I did a deep dive into what Starlight offered; it was just my dream job! It combines the community aspect and healthcare play that I’m so passionate about.