My name is Lucy and I am 12 years old. Today I am writing this blog, I’ve never written a blog before so it’s a bit scary, but I’m doing it so I can tell you all why every child needs play.
When I feel anxious or scared, my favourite thing to do is colouring-in. I do a lot of colouring-in because I’m often in hospital where I feel most anxious. Lilac is my favourite colour because it helps me feel calm and I need that to help me forget everything that’s happening to me in the hospital.
I was about three or maybe four when I knew I was different. My tummy isn’t connected up and I can’t swallow properly. The big, long name of my condition is Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula and Oesophageal Atresia. My mum and dad are sad but they try and be cheerful. I know I have to go into hospital because it’s for the best. I don’t want to go though, because I miss my friends. They are always asking if I’m okay because they love me to bits and I love them.