I have a little cousin called Felix, who spent a good amount of time in hospital and Starlight helped him. I know Felix isn’t able to do so many activities like other young boys and it was so amazing that Starlight could make things more fun for him in hospital.
Training for the half marathon wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I only got rained on once or twice, even though we’re in England. When I started I was doing 8 km and sometimes it felt like I couldn’t breathe. But as I kept going, it eased out and the runs got easier, even though they got longer. It was less challenging than I expected, because I worked my way up to longer distances – I didn’t know the magic of training until I tried it.
I think what charities do is an incredible thing. We don’t really step into the shoes of those in need enough, and helping charities thrive, to help others thrive, really helps communities.
I definitely want to keep fundraising. I hope there’s a marathon in my future years, but I don’t think I’m there yet. For now, what I’d like to say to all those other kids who are trying to do something ambitious, if you keep plugging away, you’ll do it: keep moving and you’ll find the finish line, no matter how challenging it can be.